Top Three Principles Of Dating As A Begineer.
Dating and romance is a part of the human condition whether you like it or not, this is needed for people to stay happy. I dont think it is fair on how society sets most people up for faliure in this domain. Here are my top 3 principles.
#1 - Emotional Maturity
The first step I took is that I developed an inviting and intresting life for a romantic partner to join. I started exposing myself to more experience, gained more wisdom, listening to more people, open mindedness, started new hobbies, tried new things I have not tried before. The idea I was going at here is to become a massive value provider to the point where any girl would look at me and conclude that "this is a person that has their shit together"
The key is emotional maturity. The more mature you are, the more women you can attract.
#2 - Non-Neediness, Non-Boasting.
You need to cultivate an attitude of not caring about attracting the opposite sex, the more you care and the more needy you become, the more you are going to repel them away from your life. Similarly, do not try to impress the the girl you are speaking to, when I am asked "what do I work as" I would just say "I work at starbucks". If you follow #1, people would naturally become attracted to you for who you are.
#3 - Marketing
An awesome buisness that does not market its product or services never sells anything. Similarly if you do not meet and talk to the opposite sex, you will have no intrested party. No matter how cool and awesome you are.
This three tips alone would take you very far in the world of dating and romance. Luckily, it applies to both men and women. This is rather philosophical. It's up to you to determine how that is best done.
The best part about being human is that everyone is unique. Best of luck! Do check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.