Step By Step On How To Approach Women Well.

All the important components to approach women well. Very important because the approach is your first impression with any girl.

Step By Step On How To Approach Women Well.

This will not work for the ladies since cultivating these skills appeals to the feminine. For the men, make a commitment to find your dream girl using this method.

You should start to see results around 500 approaches if you are a total newbie. For reference, a world class PUA would have around 10 thousand approaches. Most PUAs will not reach that number as they will eventually settle down before that.

Approach With No Excuses

I do have an exception to this. I dont approach girls who are working and I dont approach girls who are clearly with their boyfriends. Other than that, I approach with no excuses. Before you approach however, make sure you have genuine attraction. Take around 3 seconds to figure out if you have genuine attraction.


Do not do a half-ass approach. When you have decided to approach, you do it properly and commit to it 100%. Dont save your feelings by doing a half ass approach because this reduces the effectiveness and it does not help you to improve.

Get Her Attention With A Blank Mind

Do not have a canned line you have rehearsed when you approach, walk up to the girl and get her attention, and only when you have fully attained her attention, decide what you want to say. You can almost say whatever you want except for commenting on her sexual apperance. "Nice tits or ass" will not go well, so say anything but that.

When I was a newbie 4 years ago, one of my most memorable approaches was that I walked up the the girl and told her how nervous and socially anxious I was, she immediately hooked after that because I was totally congruent.

Laser Eye Contact

It should be so strong that the girl looks away. This is why you need to be genuinely attracted, because you are transferring the emotions over to her through your body language, and especially your eyes.

Face Her

Square up, dont talk to the girl at the side, or in a funny angle. Stop her politely and talk to her face to face.


Practice smiling when you approach, because the girl dont know who you are. It's a disarming mechanism to show that you are not a creep or anyone dangerous.

Establish Hook Point

In 5 minutes, the girl would have already decided if she likes you or not. A clear sign when this happens is when her attention fully shifts to you. So make sure that every set goes for at least 5 minutes.

This would mean good news, because you can go through a lot of sets quickly and not worry if the girl actually likes you or not, because if she likes you, you will know in 5 minutes.

Do Not Hide Your Sexual Attraction

Fully express your sexual desire and attraction to the girl. In reality 1/3 of girls will hate you, 1/3 of girls will be neutral towards you, and 1/3 of girls will love you. So you can very well forget about the 2/3 and focus on the 1/3.

The 1/3 phenomenon is because we all have unique personalities, since we will be expressing these personalities congrunetly with masculinity, naturally, not everyone is going to like us. Try not to let it bother you so much and move on.

Be vulnerable and be willing to be rejected on the basis of your true self. What may commonly happen is that you might put up a "front" so that rejection wont hurt.

Man To Woman Communication

You should always make sure that it is a man to woman communication. You are not there to be her friend, or anything else. You must communicate in a way where you clearly show that you are there as a dating opportunity.


Always say whats on your mind, do not filter what you should and should not say. If you're feeling terrible, say it. If the girls says something you dont like, say that. If you're nervous, you can say that "I am very nervous". Do not have a filter and express yourself.

Try To Always Insta Date

If you manage to hook the girl, always try to insta date. If that is not possible, then settle for the number. Always seek to be in set for as long as possible. Do not self eject!


I think these ten tips would build quite a solid foundation. Wishing you the best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.
