Philosophy Of Success

We discuss the principles of achieving success. What is success built on and practical actions you can take right now to have more success.

Philosophy Of Success

These are the core principles of success. Everyone who follows these principles guarentees that they get what they want in life. It's one of my top philosophies when I am teaching pickup to my students. Let's begin.

Acquisition Of Skills

The reason why you are not at the level of success that you want is because you do not have the skills required to get that level of success.

The material results you have are directly a consequence of the skills you have. That's why as long as you have mastered a skill, you can generate the same result over and over again.

That's why I always pay a lot of money for education. Education will always ROI in some way or another. Even with poor education, you will still learn something. You've learnt not how to NOT do something when you inverse what the shitty teacher taught to obtain successful techniques.

When you are a student of any teacher, be the #1 student. You will always learn something one way or another. Get the skills you need and unlock the next level of success.

The Five Levels Of Victimhood

Here we are expanding it to highlight how victimized you actually are. These are the "stratas" of victimhood and it's important to recognize where you are before you begin the mastery process.

Level 1 - Positive Active (A+ Students)
These people try to push the boudnaries of whats possible. They believe that they can succeed and will do anything in their power to achieve that level of success.

Level 2 - Positive Passive (A- Students)
These people look at A+ students, and then say "wow if he can do that so can I"

Level 3 - Neutral Passive (B Students)
These people are open to possibilities, they are not optimists or pessimists and they take on the frame of "let's see if this works"

Level 4- Negative Passive (C Students)
These type of people take on the frame that "it might work for other people, but it wont for me" They are the typical half-assers that are actively sabotaging themselves.

Level 5 - Negative Active (Fail)
These people actively tries to fail. They will try to reaffirm their negative beliefs and they hold unto them like diamond. "We're so special that nothing will work and I will prove to you that nothing works"

To succeed, you need to be an A student, which means at minimum, you have to get to level one or two. It can apply to different domains of life as well, maybe in dating you are a level 4 and at realtionship skills you are at level 1.

So now practically, you have to release all your victim mentality. I've covered how to solve it in my victimhood post. You have to follow the solutions outlined in that post and arrive at level one and two, because that's only where true mastery can happen.


Being well educated is not enough. Knowing theoretically how to pickup girls is not the same as actually doing it. Mastery is the proceess of realizing and actualizing the education and making it real through direct experience building specific knowledge.

Here is the process of mastery:
1. Good Instruction
2. Practice
3. Surrender To The Process
4. Consciousness
5. Pushing The Limitis
6. Willingness To Look Like A Fool

Mastery starts off with good instruction. Because without good instruction, you can be practicing on something but not get any results. Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that?

Now comes the next problem of seeking good instruction. How would you even know that the instruction is any good? This is where direct experience plays a role. Only you can know what is good instruction and what is bad, and as you gain more experience, what is true/untrue will be slowly revealed to you.

Once you have confidence with the theoretical foundation you've built your practice upon, you need to surrender to the process and then have faith that it will all work out in the end. Because at the beginning, you'll be putting in a lot of work but seemingly not a lot of coming out.

Surrending to the process requires consciousness. Having awareness to how your mind, body and soul are reacting to the process. Acknowledging feedback and taking an observational and neutral stance towards the feedback of the practice to adjust with accuracy.

Doing all of this will eventually cause you to improve and you will arrive at your upper limits. We then need to push out of our comfort zone and do it all again at step 1. Good instruction. The bravery to become a student again and reach greater heights.

While doing all of this, we accept and be willing to look like a fool. Nobody is judging you, and only you will receive the fruits of your mastery. Nobody else.

Aggressive Testing

Getting success is not magic. The speed of which you achieve success is the rate of how fast you test solutions. Everytime you have a hypothesis, you want to quickly test it as fast and efficient as possible.

I'm a big believer that everytime you take a step, the next step will be revealed to you. You wont be able to know what is step 100 when you are at step 1. At step 1, the furthest you can look ahead is maybe step 3.

Never be afriad of faliure, for every faliure an alternative gets illuminated. You can only fail so much until you start to succeed. The biggest winners in life are the biggest faliures. Start testing, and start failing.

Doubling Down On What Works

When testing, some solution will be better than others. But you don't know yet. That's why test each solution at a reasonable sample size.

Once you see that a result even generates a sliver of results, you want to double down on that solution and use it again and again until you reach another limitation.

A big mistake here is you start seeing success and you go try something else. Always double down on winners and forget about losers. Extract every single juice out of any successful technique.

How Progress Works

Progress occurs in quick spurts with long periods of stagnation. The key here is to not quit during the times of stagnation, because that is where you get ahead of other people.

In the stagnation phase, you will feel down and depressed. You might fall into nihilism. You will try to "force" the process. No matter how skilled you are, you will still pay a time tax, so enjoy the process as much as you can!


The principles of success will always stay the same for any discipline, anytime and for anyone. Master these principles and you will eventually see the results you want.

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