Quality Over Quantity - An Introduction To Microcalibration
Adaptations to your style of pickup to increase your probability with certain types of women.
At a really high level of pickup, I would say that you stabilize around 10 approaches a month relying on your present skillsets. This is the purpose of this post. To sustain the results even though volume has reduced dramatically and trasition yourselves to advanced.
Even I can't do it properly. I am still practicing this, but I have field-tested this to be true. A majority of the ideas here are taken from Pandora's Box by Vin DiCarlo and it's very much about leveraging your current skillsets.
He makes a very exciting claim. His claim is that there is a traditional, tried and proven process that can be used to attract any girl with some modification. He split the girls into 8 types, as we will soon discover. We will begin with the theoretical foundations first and move on to the outer game technicals and implementation.
By microcalibration, what I mean is to make adaptations to your style of pickup in responce to what kind of woman she is. Theoretically, if you know how to microcalibrate, you can succeed 100% of the time. And by "succeed" I mean turning her into your wife. Let's begin.
The Conflict Of Time
The first axis is the conflict of time. The idea here is that she wants to find the best man she can snag that would commit and settle down with her, but her biological clock is ticking. To resolve the conflict of time, women develop two major strategies to make a resolution.
The first resolution would be that she would "test" many different men all at once, stringing them along. These girls keep a lot of orbiters and use multiple men to meet her survival needs. A tester will deploy sophisticated and manipulative "orbiter techniques" to keep her harem of men. In regards to how she dates, she will move through her favourites one by one down the list until she has found "the one." This type of woman is called a Tester.
The second resolution is that she would just pick one man, and invest all her energy trying to "fix" him to make him become the "ideal man". Unlike the tester, she does not try to find a man who is the "total package" straight from the get-go, but instead, just chooses a man who has the potential to become this "total package". She then fights through the fire to make this man match her ideals in a committed relationship. Counterintuitively, when she manages to "fix you" she no longer becomes interested (not field tested). This type of woman is called an iNvestor.
The Conflict Of Sex
Women want to have sex, but sex brings risk socially and for her personally. Also, women often have traumatic experiences when it comes to sex and men. To resolve this conflict of interest paradox or otherwise known as the "anti-slut defense", a woman can develop two major strategies in how she deals with this mental conflict.
The first resolution is that she erases and suppresses all her traumatic experiences and sexual urges into her subconscious. In turn, these experiences literally no longer exist in her mind and this causes her to see sex as something special, which is why she slut-shames other women who casually sleep around. This woman is called a Denier.
The second resolution is that she follows through with her sexual urges and downplays the importance of sex. By downplaying the importance using rationalisation, these traumatic experiences become less painful. Because they jump the gun with sex and rationalise to themselves why they did so after sex, this woman is called a Justifer.
The Conflict Of Worldview
This conflict divides between a woman's maternal instincts to fall into her feminine urges and raise a family contrasted to the societal pressure to succeed and take care of herself materialistically. To resolve this conflict, two main methods are adopted in handling life challenges.
The first resolution is that she focuses on her career. These women often have a very high sense of ambition and are the typical entrepreneur types. This is caused by her experiences with unreliable childhood providers in her family, causing her to feel the need to quickly become self-sufficient and independent. This woman is called a Realist.
The second resolution is that she focuses on building her idea of the ideal family instead. These are the princess types. She differs from the Realist because she had stable providers in her early childhood, causing her to feel that a man is a reliable source of stability. This woman is called an Idealist.
So now with the three conflicts, there could be a total combination of eight types of women. What is 100/8? Correct. That's 12.5%. What is the conventional number thrown around for hook point? 10%. Coincidence? I think not.
I believe that all the pickup gurus specialised into one of the specific type of woman. For example, techniques laid out in Mystery Method most likely work on the type (TDI) and you'll likely get rejected by other types. In total, there can be 8 combinations.
- T/N
- D/J
- I/R
Here are the indicators to help with typing. Note that these are fluid, a tester might become an investor once she finds "the one". An iNvestor might become a tester if she gets her heart broken by a player. Classification constantly changes as time progresses.
- Have many attractive photos of themselves in their social media
- Breaks eye contact in the approach
- Uses vulnerability and the "damsel in distress" shit tests
- Noticing the deployment of sophisticated orbiter manipulation techniques
- Attempts to maintain control in the interaction
- Responds well to "fun"
- Age - the younger, the more likely to be a tester.
- Holds eye contact in the approach, often intensely to judge genuineness
- Often absent or have little presence on social media
- Have many girlfriends and seemingly no guys
- Often dry, serious, and logical deep questions in texting style
- Have natural tendencies to build comfort
- Responds well to intensity and gunwich
- Shies away when talking about sex
- Dresses conservatively
- Health conscious
- Anti-risk taker
- Reacts in a timid manner after a confident approach
- Tattoos and piercings
- Revealing clothes
- Risk taking
- Smoking a cigarette
- "Uniqueness," "pop," and "contrarian" in appearance
- Confidently squares up into your approach.
- Talking about her ideal type and what she's looking for in a man
- Happy family with a normal childhood
- Are very clear with what they want in the future
- Passive
- Imaginative
- Traumatic background forcing her to grow up quickly
- Takes charge and initiates
- Goal and career-orientated
- Demonstrates strong capabilities, self-sufficiency, and independence
- Says things like "I don't need a man."
We now begin with implementation. You must figure out (T/N) immediately within 2 seconds. Because as we will discuss soon, this will dictate how you open and frame yourself. For (D/J), you must figure out within the first 3 minutes, as it dictates how to escalate. For (I/R), you must figure this axis out before she views you as something serious, and it will dictate how you transition into a relationship. There is also modifcations you have to make post-sex depending on the typing up until the honeymoon phase is over.
Opener Microcalibration
To figure if shes a T or N on the (T/N) axis, we hold eye contact and delay saying our opener for 2 seconds in the approach. If she looks away, she is a Tester. If she holds it really strongly, she is an iNvestor. For Testers, we delay making it man to woman until later on into the interaction, do situational openers with Testers. With iNvestors, we directly cold read what we find attractive about her and be direct with the fact that she caught our attention.
How we build the initial 15 minutes of attraction depends on the (I/R) axis. For Realist, we get them attracted by building comfort first and talk about why our lives are so similar. For Idealist, we do the standard pickup sequence with spiking her emotions through nonsensical flirting.
Frame Microcalibration
Who is the prize will depend on the (T/N) axis. You must frame yourself as the prize for a tester, this is because all her orbiters chases her. If you lose your prizeability frame, you'll just become one of her next orbiters. For the iNvestor however, you actively give up your prizeability frame and make her the prize. The reason of why you chase is because she is special in your eyes, which results in your persistence.
How the "us frame" is set up depends on the (I/R) axis. The definition of the "us frame" here is why you would be a great team together. With an Idealist, we set the us frame up in the future, talking about how she will fit into our lives in our future activities. With a Realist, we set up the "us frame" by completing a practical task together in the present moment, highlighting that the successful completion of the task makes us a great team to handle future problems in the future.
Verbal Microcalibration
In general, the (T/N) axis guides us on the topics of what to talk about. Testers don't like talking too deeply about things and you need to gloss over topics quickly without making her the focus. iNvestors however, likes to enter deep conversation quickly, and you can actually build attraction by building comfort.
The (D/J) axis will dictate how you cold read. Because Deniers supresses their "sexiness" you would need to cold read on her hidden sensuality, femininity and sexiness. Noticing what other men cannot see, the wild woman that is waiting to come out. With Justifiers we cold read on her intelligence, mind, personality and skills. We notice what other men cannot see, the essence of her personality.
The (D/J) axis also guides how sexual we should be in our conversations. For Deniers, you should limit sexual innuendos to zero. Remember? She represses this into her subconscious, and we want to avoid digging it out. For Justifiers, we want to make our conversation rather sexual, since they are often thinking about sex most of the time.
On Justifiers in particular, they will often be challenging, throwing shit tests and undermining your frame. You must respond with an IOD or a disqualifier when this happens. This happens a lot with Justifiers in the first 15 minutes when building attraction.
The (I/R) axis determines how you do future projections. Idealist mainly want a guy that has a promising future. Focus on talking about the future you want to build and how she fits in it. For Realist, you have to focus on the things you are working on right now, talk about the goals you have for the next few months and convey how she can contribute to your vision right now.
Escalation Microcalibration
How buy in is obtained depends on the (D/J) axis. Deniers will actively resist escalation even though she is secretly turned on. Therefore, we obtain compliance and consent before we escalate. Justifiers, on the other hand builds tension through escalation, and escalation (the act itself) is the primary way to obtain buy in.
The (D/J) axis will dictate how we deal with token resistances. For Deniers, we persist and push for a little bit more when we encounter token resistances. Example: when you try to kiss her, she might shyly turn away, we then gently cusp her face and persist with the kiss and she will comply. With Justifers, when they issue token resistance, you must stop and de-escalate. Any forms of persistence with a Justifers token resistances will be met with a blowout.
The (D/J) axis will determine how to physically escalate. With a Denier, we keep kino light, going no more over kino 2. We only escalate past kino 2 if we are in a position to logistically escalate for a pull in the same day. If you fail to do so with a Deiner, ASD will be the result after emotions cool down. With Justifiers, we maintain a consistent level of kino throughout. Think of Deniers like an exponential curve and a Justifier as a linear curve when it comes to physical escalation.
The (D/J) axis also determines how to logistically escalate. With a Deiner, as mentioned, she will be risk-averse. It is unlikely you can do aggressive pulls and logistical bounces, and it's much better to do multi-day logistical escalations. With a Justifier, this won't be a problem as she can actually be quite daring, so you can escalate along with her sexual mood.
Dates Microcalibration
The (T/N) axis will determine what kind of dates you should go on. For Testers, they don't like dates that are too focused on her. So with Testers, we bring them to do activity-based dates. For iNvestors, somewhere quiet where you can talk to each other is perfect, do relationship-building-based dates.
There must be a special approach when you text a Tester. Keep in mind that testers are texting multiple dudes at once, so the tester deploys her sophisticated orbiter strategies here making a lot of promises of dates and meetups only to flake the last second. Therefore, setting up a date with a tester requires higher buy-in. See the texting post - dont arrange a date with a tester unless she starts texting you first and disqualify her other attempts until significant buy-in is conveyed.
The (D/J) axis will determine the structure of the date. A denier will want to wait as long as possible before having sex, so the way to deal with this is to bounce to a lot of different venues. In one date, bounce to three different locations. Creating a perception that you've done a lot together. For Justifiers, she would most likely let you pull very quickly. Once you have initiated the pull back to your place, build up a lot of sexual tension and sexual comfort, but send her home and delay sex by going on one more date.
The (I/R) axis will determine how much you should contribute to a date. For Realists, they like to take care and provide for others, it is to exercise their power and independence. So for them, we allow her to contribute to the date by splitting the bill, picking us up, teaching us something etc. For Idealist, the opposite applies. Pay for the first date and lead the entire time, letting her lay back comfortably and follow your lead.
Getting A Woman Committed To You
For a woman who is a (D-I), we gain commitment by making her share things with us that she normally wouldn't share with others. We use the principle of verbal leadership to talk about our own secrets and vulnerabilities and qualify her against it.
For a woman who is a (D-R), we gain commitment by doing non-sexual activities together. After some time of non-sexual compliance, she will start to exhibit sexual compliance, and then she will become committed.
For a woman who is a (J-I), we gain commitment by having very emotional sex. In Dan Rose book, "The Sex God Method", we want to raise the level of the "E" spectrum a little higher than the others.
For a woman who is a (J-R), we gain commitment by making her feel dominated during sex. In Dan Rose book, "The Sex God Method", we want to raise the level of the "D" spectrum a little higher than the others.
Conveying Your Commitment To A Woman Properly
A woman's biggest fear is being dumped and used after sex. To soothe this fear, there are different types of ways to microcalibrate to signal commitment. This is very important to do properly to transition into a long-term relationship.
For a woman who is a (T-D), we signal commitment to her pre-sex by spending time and having fun together, quality time. Post-sex, we reinforce the us-frame by telling her how great the sexual dynamic you have for one another.
For a woman who is a (T-J), we signal commitment to her pre-sex by delaying sex for a while and allowing for a friendship to be created. Post-sex, continue to reinforce this friendship by sharing and going through emotional experiences together.
For a woman who is a (N-D), we signal commitment to her pre-sex by cold reading the uniqueness of her personality. Then, future project this uniqueness on how she will play a role in your future together. Post-sex, talk about how sex keeps getting better and how she is more special than your other partners sexually. Unless you are ready for a major commitment, don't see her more than once a week, or else you will break her heart.
For a woman who is a (N-J), we signal commitment post-sex by reciprocating, transitioning into a "traditional relationship" right after sex. (N-J)s will jump the gun into a relationship after having sex with you.
Maintaining Attraction In The Honeymoon Phase
For a woman who is a (I-T), do a lot of little things together, like everyday tasks. Don't plan or talk about anything big. Have a lot of fun, excitement, passion, and spontaneous sexual encounters.
For a woman who is a (I-N), talk about the great future and vision you have. The life that you want and future project this with all the little details. Sexually, keep it novel and do new things.
For a woman who is a (R-T), we keep her physically busy in and out of the bedroom. Don't talk too much about the future but convey that you are building your own future, and it is up to her whether she wants to join you or not. Talk about your goals and let her contribute, and don't worry so much about emotionality.
For a woman who is a (R-N), reward her when she helps you complete practical tasks by having sex. After sex, talk about how she's special and future project how she can contribute in your future together.
After The Honeymoon Phase
After three months, when the honeymoon phase ends and you transition into a traditional relationship. You want to drop all of this stuff and pretend that you have never learnt PUA before. From then, you focus on implementing the principles of love. Self-love and the principles on how to love others.
In Pandora's Box, he actually also discusses intensively on how to nanomicrocalibrate to the specific type of woman down to the individual letters, which I believe to be too specific to be done practically. But it can serve as a good handbook to whip out when you want to build a relationship with a certain type of woman.
I highly recommend giving it a read because he goes into the little details of it. I've presented the information from a top-down perspective, helping with the implementation of the information.
Best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.