Itemized List Of Dating Skills To Practice And Master.

Itemized List Of Dating Skills To Practice And Master.

This is my own compiled list of outer game techniques that should be practiced. You should aim to have the ability to do this subconsciously and automatically.

Approach Skills

  1. Approach without excuses
  2. Strong direct approaches
  3. Squaring up with the girl
  4. Smiling
  5. Lazer, strong eye contact
  6. Firm vocal tone and every word can be heard
  7. Discreetness
  8. Slowing down speech and movement
  9. Cold reads
  10. Insta dates
  11. Getting her number
  12. Immediately leaving people that do not hook


  1. Relaxed and present
  2. Positive, optimistic attitude
  3. Ability to entertain yourself
  4. Building state becoming "in the zone"
  5. Be emotional
  6. Never be logical
  7. Managing your mood
  8. Managing self doubt
  9. Be totally congruent
  10. Ability to induce emotions within yourself to make the girl feel what you feel


  1. Kino Escalation
  2. Logistical questions
  3. Flirting
  4. Not running out of things to say
  5. Never self eject from set, staying to the bitter end
  6. Leading, moving and bouncing around
  7. Handling token resistences
  8. Ability to express negative emotions
  9. Adjusting your energy levels
  10. Ability to know what the girl has given consent to and not
  11. Looking at her face while escalating
  12. Noticing hook point


  1. Building rapport
  2. Building intimacy
  3. The ability to be vulnerable
  4. Storytelling
  5. Telling her what you like about her
  6. Talking about yourself
  7. Ability to be funny
  8. Never lying or use exxageration when speaking true facts about yourself.

Verbal Skills

  1. Be challenging
  2. Improvisation
  3. Free association
  4. Telling her how horrible you are
  5. Not saying anything sexually explicit
  6. Not bragging
  7. Not telling her how great you are
  8. Complimenting her on personality
  9. Good at dealing with shit tests
  10. Texting
  11. Small talk
  12. No filter


  1. Group opens
  2. Managing groups
  3. Be friending her friends


Approach (7) :
Perhaps I want to learn how to be discreet and socially calibrated. What I will practice will then be slowing down, taking a deep breath, looking around at my surroundings and calibrate myself to the enviorement before I approach.

Mindset (2):
Everytime I go out, I hype myself up for one girl and get instantly rejected. After that I moop around the venue like a loser. Never again! Today I am going to practice how to be always happy, constantly reminding myself why I am there in the first place and know that I wont be at this position if I just practice.

Escalation (1)
Everytime I try to touch a woman, my hands tremble with fear, the sky turns black and the cold winds freeze my nerves. No! This is the appropriate time to escalate and therefore I will do it now.

Comfort (5):
This girl is so smart, I will tell her that. This girl is so adventurous, I will tell her that. This girl is so adorable, I will tell her that. This girl is so confident, I will tell her that.

Verbal Skills (1):
This girl is so stupid, I will make fun of her. This girl is so boring, I will make fun of her. This girl is so unconfident and meek, I will make fun of her. Note: friendlywren told me to make fun of her, not offend, insult or belittle others.

Verbal Skills (4):
I am a hyper logical man who makes women go dry the first sentence I speak! Maybe I should tell her that. "Hey {name}, did you know that I am a hyper logical man who makes women go dry when I speak? It's almost like a superpower, I'm pretty sure the droughts in Africa is caused by my holy words" - Yes, I just made that up. So perhaps what I will do now is every set tonight, I will focus on admitting my flaws.


Cheers, and the best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.
