How To Pull The Girl Home In One Day. Fundementals Of Escalation.

How To Pull The Girl Home In One Day. Fundementals Of Escalation.

Here, I will present the components of good escalation. What does it mean to have good escalation? What does escalation even mean?

The Purpose Of Escalation

I defined escalation as "everything you do that moves you towards sex". Whether it be verbal, emotional, geographical or physical. Good pickup is grounded on the very idea that you always escalate, constantly, every second.

For the guys it may appear to be four categories. Verbal, emotional, geographical and physical. But for the women there is only one category, which is emotional. Your physical and verbal escalation is emotional escalation for her. This is very important concept to understand.

The Foundation of Escalation.

Escalation is grounded in "tension". Tension is the feeling you feel when you are around someone you really like, or the feeling you feel right before you escalate. Therefore escalation can be also defined as the release of emotional tension.

Note and observe that uncalibrated escalation results in an INCREASE in emotional tension for the girl. You're doing something wrong. There should be a release of tension when you escalate. The girl literally feels relieved when you've escalated.

Why Do We Escalate? A Personal Moral Dillema Of Mine.

Girls get bored of you when you dont escalate, therefore you will lose the girl. But the problem this causes is that we need to constantly escalate to keep the girls interest. How does one know the girl sufficiently and understand her character sufficiently without having sex with her?

This is a problem of mine, I only enjoy sex when I have deep intimacy with someone. Unfortunately, this deep intimacy needs to be built over time, the very time thats needed which girls dont give. I would have already been required to escalate to the point of sex before I could even know the girl sufficiently.

Ya I know, I'm a softie. I care about the girls feelings a lot. Because the truth is, once they have sex with you. They become attached, and I dont like to hurt peoples feelings. I hold the infinity stones, but I dont use them.

How Do We Escalate? - Progression.

Step 1: Man To Woman Communication
The first time we escalate is not when we do kino escalation. It's when we establish man to woman communication. The clear and obvious presentation of an opportunity to date you.

Step 2: Teasing
Rather self explanatory, if you can make her feel many things in 15 minutes, she will likely arrive at hook point. Note: only 10% of women will arrive at hook point.

Step 3: Hook Point
If the girl like you then great! You will arrive at hook point. Please read my post "Outer Game Principles" to know when you have arrived at hook point. From this moment on which happens in less than 5 minutes, physical escalation would be avaliable to you.

Step 4: Kino Escalation
Kino seperates itself into two. Incedental, which is the prodding of the bear and looking at it's reaction. Overt, which is blatantly doing it for everyone to see. Kino cannot be skipped, it must be done in the correct order and sequence. This is the order.


  1. Body and Legs
  2. Face
  3. Kissing
  4. Comfort In House
  5. Comfort In Room
  6. Foreplay
  7. Sex

Example of Kino in use:

  1. I tease her and emphasize it by gently touching her arms for a few seconds. I look at her face and guage for consent. Next, I hold hands. I look at her face and guage for consent.
  2. Now, everyone thinks we are a couple, I bouce and lead her around the venue for a while. I pull her in on her waist and let go. I look at her face and guage for consent. If consent is given now instead of escorting her with hands, I escort her by holding her waist. I look at her face and guage for consent.
  3. Next I lightly brush my fingers across her face. I look at her face and guage for consent. If consenting, I hold strong eye contact for 10 seconds to build tension. I look at her face and guage for consent. I lean in slightly for a kiss. I look at her face and guage for consent. If she closes her eyes or leans in,
  4. I kiss her. Unfortunately, usually my eyes are closed. I can't guage for consent here.
  5. I bring her back to my place. I show her around and chill for 30 minutes. If shes drunk, I'll send her home. <- Inability to consent. After chilling, I see if she becomes comfortable, I do this by looking at her face and guageing her consent. If consent is given,
  6. I will escalate her to my room and make out with her. I try taking off her clothes, I look at her face and guage for consent. Once all the clothes are off and shes horny, I ask. "Do you want to have sex" and proceed when the answer is
  7. yes. Oh and before that, I consent for my penis to wear a condom first.

Exceptions To The Rule:

Friendlywren, can I touch her face before I hold hands with her? The answer is always no. But can I not do any of this nonsense, seems like hardwork and just escalate her emotionally that's shes willing to come home with me? The answer is yes! You can skip stage 1 to 3 and immediately jump to 4.

Generally, if you're a newbie, just follow my steps. But if you're a bit more advanced you might have noticed some exceptions to the rule.

A girl can consent in two ways. Implicitly ie; she smiles when you escalate, enjoys it and is happy. If she fucking frowns, then stop, you have uncalibrated escalation, and try again when some tension is built up again. Uncalibrated escalation = the lack of tension. Escalation is the release of emotional tension, therefore when a girl dont give consent, she has insufficient tension and therefore, nothing can be released.

The other way is that you explicity ask. "Can I hold your hand?"

Thats why you always have to be emotional. No emotion = no tension.

The Magic Phrase of Escalation.

If you want to escalate but dont know how. Say the following words "Can I come with you?" Because, at the end of the day she is sleeping in a bed.

If you're doing everything properly, she likes you and consents to your escalation. The answer will always be yes.

Her: Okay, I'll book you a car back, I need to sleep (LMR)
Friendlywren: Can I come with you?
Her: Okay

If theres anything simple about pickup, it is using this one liner. This is the ONLY canned and rehearsed phrase I use.


A relationship is not possible until you have sex with a girl. She does not care about you until you have sex with her. Therefore, any realtionship you want will only be avaliable after you have sex with her. Note: she becomes attached here, so have ethics when you do pickup!


Do not abuse this. Cheers, and the best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.
