How To Stop Being Wierd Or Gamey - The Principles Of Calibration

Discussess how to be attentive and respond to social cues. Modifying dating techniques in a way that specifically suits you.

How To Stop Being Wierd Or Gamey - The Principles Of Calibration

Calibration is by far one of the most imporatant topics in pickup. Without being calibrated you might be "wierd" or appear as "gamey" which of course, leads to you getting blown out of set. We will be discussing how to be master general art of calibration here in this article.

What Is Calibration?

Calibration is the art of adjusting our own behaviour in responce to the social cues given off by the girl/set. Learning calibration like an operant conditioning process whereby you adjust from positive and negative reactions you receive.

How calibrated you can be also differs from technique to technique, you might be very calibrated for a technique you have done hundreds of times and be very uncalibrated for a technique you have not done before. The only difference between the two scenarios is the number of reps you have put in.

The number of reps matters because every girl is a little different. As you increase your exposure, you get subconscious insights into how the technique works with different types of girls. At one point, you'll do enough reps to the point where you can apply the technique universally, to all women without thought.

Calibrating Theory To Implementation

Often when we are learning something new, we do them in an exaggerated or wrong way. This is normal and it's part of the learning process.

This article aims to reduce the pain of learning new skills by teaching you the general guidelines to calibration. When I am implementing a new technique, I often think about the topic of calibration first. Contemplate this before implementation.

  1. How will this {technique} play out?
  2. How would I do this {technique} to suit my personality?
  3. Will this {technique} even suit me? If not, how do I do it in a way that does?
  4. Do I need to modify this {technique} to make it a culture fit?
  5. What does this {technique} aim to achieve? Could I achieve it in a different way?

Principle #1 - Inner Game

Certain techniques require you to be in a certain emotional state in order to do them. Anxiety and the fear of the unknown might be getting in the way of you getting the correct emotional contexts to execute certain techniques properly. When these emotions get in the way, you become uncalibrated which leads you to look like a wierdo.  

This is why when learning new techniques, instead of focusing on whats happening externally, we turn inwards first. Practice on how to induce the correct emotional context within yourself while managing your unproductive emotions. Without proper management of the internal world, it's impossible to do any technique properly let alone be calibrated.

Principle #2 - Consent

Once you have gotten the internal world under control we can now shift outwards. While doing said techniques, a major component of being calibrated is that the girl feels safe and sexy while you do them, otherwise known as consent.

We often understand consent as something that is explicitly said, but more often than not, consent is given implicitly and a woman expects you to just read her signals. Therefore, we can gauge these signals (consent) by looking at her face, and judging how she's reacting to us in general.

Everything you need to do and all the answers you need is written on her face. The feedback loop between action and reaction is instantaneous, so if you just start looking at her face more, you will know the adjustements that needs to be made.

For exmaple, the power of consent can be seen with escalation. When she is consenting, I can escalate faster until the point where she feels uncomfortable and stops consenting, which then I can ease off the pedal, build up more tension and do it again, speeding up your ability to take her home.

Principle #3 - Be In The Present Moment

You can't calibrate to the girl if you are too caught up in your emotions or just in your head too much. It's not possible to be calibrating to anyone if you're just not paying attention to what is happening.

Therefore, one of the ways to be more present is to be attentive. Attentiveness is the trait of paying attention to what is going on with her/set/external enviorement. In pickup, you practice being present by first, labelling what is happening to the set right now and what needs to be done to progress the interaction forward right now. And proceed to do what you have concluded for yourself.

Another way of being in the present moment is to discard all expectations you have for yourself and any ideas of "how this technique should play out." Don't worry about the past or future, just focus on the now and enjoy the girl right now for who she is, not what she can do for you.

Principle #4 - ASD Prevention

The premise for the anti slut defense is that there is two axoims. Axiom #1 is that women love and want to have sex. Axiom #2 is that many women have deep rooted trauams when it comes to sex. This causes a massive paradox of conflicting desires in her mind.

The trigger for ASD is overescalation and it's quite common after you have successfully learnt a powerful technique. Have you ever been ghosted after a really "successful" date where she was "clearly attracted?" Well, ASD is the answer! You will also hear things like "You're really attractive but I haven't got over my previous ex yet" sort of messages.

So your job as a calibrated PUA is to not trigger her anti slut defence. If she ASD, it's likely you won't be able to reverse the situation. ASD is permanent. If you trigger it, only she can resolve it on her own.

Principle #5 - Integration

Your mind doesn't have enough RAM to be running so many mini-calibration adjustments in your mind. Therefore, we have to integrate these things into our personality so that we can do them automatically as a habit.

Habits requires maintainence. Once in a while, you should always return to things you have practiced long ago and practice them deliberately again. This often sharpens the older techniques you learnt since you're combining it with the most recent techniques you learnt today.

High degrees of integration results in the "natural" style. Once you become a natural at certain things, you can move on to tougher and tougher techniques. It is important that you dont jump the gun and learn the pre-requisities before moving on.


In this post, we have identified that the problem of being weird and gamey means that we have to improve our calibration. We also discussed how to become more calibrated using some common fixes as guidance.

Best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.
