Foundations Of Inner Game. How To Systematically Cure All Inner Game Issues.

Foundations Of Inner Game. How To Systematically Cure All Inner Game Issues.

Inner game is nothing but just collective conscious and subconscious beliefs held in your mind. Inner game is what generates all the results, and the techniques taught to begineers are actually methods to cultivate the correct beliefs in the mind. I'll go through how I solved inner game for myself, reducing my approach anxiety to almost zero and always do the "right thing" even when I am on autopilot.

Self Acceptance

All judgement of others are things you judge yourself for. You need to immediately stop judging others, for you are just judging yourself. The judgement reflect more about you than what it does about others.

The inability to accept yourself is caused by the collective trauma you incurred when you were 0 to 20 years old. Start thinking about all the suffering you went through during that time and deeply accept these experiences, let go and forgive yourself or others. If you do this correctly there should be tears rolling down your eyes.

Shadow work, guided meditations can all help you with self acceptance to get you started. What will start to happen is that once you accept yourself, you start to accept the people all around you, that in turn make you behave in a manner that's very attractive and removes a lot of the intimacy and qualification problems for those that are scared of commitment.

Approach anxiety stems from the lack of self acceptance, you judge yourself for approaching. Perhaps you judge yourself because deep down you know you're just approaching women for a superficial reason or something like that.

Retirement Of Materialism

When I got good at pickup, I found that it's all meaningless in the end. I've forgotten why I got into pickup in the first place when all the results were coming in. Now I exclusively only pickup women that I genuinely want to be with.

This is a big paradigm shift, the material things you care about such as women, money etc suddenly all becomes not very improtant. You will fall down into a pit of nihilism, but eventually you will crawl out and find new purpose and meaning.

When you retire materialism, a lot more mature women are now avaliable to you, and really only healthy, fulfilling, long term relationships relationships starts working here.


There is two aspects of forgiveness, one is that you forgive, step two is that you totally forget about it. If this event that you have forgiven stays in your mind and bothers you month after month, you have not forgiven. True forgiveness sees "wrongs" as they were never wrong in the first place.

The best way to do this practically is to look through the eyes of the other. What you may notice is however is that the other person always hurt you out of weakness. They did it out of fear, attempts to get love. They did it out the lack of self development. They did it out of ignorance knowing no better, they did good in the best way they know how.

You can use this process on yourself, and on others. It makes your relationships go very smoothly and you can quickly forgive yourself infield for any mistakes you made. This is not an excuse to be an asshole.

Forgiveness alliviates a lot of the self esteem problems you might have surrounding self efficacy (the ability and belief to be able to achieve your goals).

Letting Go

If you can let go of things quickly, almost nothing can disturb you. This is also called mindfullness. This helps especially after a bad set, let go, remind yourself of why you were there in the first place and move on.

  1. Put that distubing thought in your mind
  2. Relax your body
  3. Imagine your disturbing thought leaving with your next breath.

Limiting Beliefs

What I am actually teaching here is the removal of your limiting beliefs. If you combine everyhting I said here ultimately what it means is to deeply accept and love yourself. When you love yourself, in turn you will love others. All your inner game problems will be automatically resolved.

These techniques may not be avaliable for you yet, you might dismiss this as nonsense as many do haha, but you're missing out. One day you will find this to be relevant in your life. This aspect contributes a significant reason on why I am successful with dating and at the end of the day, whether you wanna do this or not is up to you. I'm just making the information readily avaliable.

By no means, I am any expert in the domain, so check out books surrounding these topics. They are the medicine for inner game. Personally I have a very peaceful and non reactive style of game, ENTJ. What will happen after you manage to successfully do this is that the most authenthic self will come out.


Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.

Cheers and best of luck,