Dealing With Shit Tests

What are shit tests? A concrete guide on how to deal with shit tests effectively.

Dealing With Shit Tests

Shit tests will occur to you a lot, it is important to know how to properly deal with them when it happens. Let's begin.

Why Shit Tests Happen?

Shit test happens when girls doubt that the underlying value you are presenting is congruent. She questions whether the attractive quality you are presenting is actually real. This would means good news because you have portrayed attractiveness in some way.  

More experienced girls often shit test more because they have more experience dealing with guys. A lot of AFCs and PUAs alike, try to fake value. So shit tests are the countermeasure girls have adopted to sniff out this out.

Think of a salesman who comes up to you and makes outrageous claims, that's pretty much what you're doing to the girl. Naturally, you want to ask for proof of whether or not these claims can actually be delivered. This is exactly the same dynamic.

You come up to the girl portraying that you are a highly attractive man. So now, she tests you with shit tests to actually validate that if you're actually as valuable as you portray.

No Upside

Generally, as a principle, you want to avoid encountering shit tests. Shit tests if failed, have a permanent effect whereby your value is permanently lowered. However, there is no upside to passing the shit test as you just validate your underlying value frame.

Shit tests only have downsides, and because of that we want to prevent it. The best way to prevent shit tests is to increase your mystery and arouse curiosity. You can do this by downplaying yourself and saying how horrible you are.

By increasing mystery, you no longer force your frame onto the girl. So when the time comes to DHV yourself, the girl is establishing the frame for herself, and you are just "scratching her curiosity". Thereby delivering the value without being shit tested.

I also want to note that shit tests are a congruency problem if you struggle to deal with them. For most shit tests, being congurent will just make you pass naturally without needing to think about it. I understand that sometimes learning new techniques requires us to come out of congruency, so this is how I deal with it.

#1 - Agree And Exxagerate

If you learnt some degree of pickup theory this is probably what you will learn first when it comes to dealing with shit tests. What you should do is exactly what the name implies, agree to what she said and add exxageration at the end.

#2 - Congruence

My favoirite option is to pass shit tests by being authentic and telling the truth. By being authentic you validate your underlying frame. This is assuming that the underlying frame is a truth. This is not avaliable to you if you had to fake something you're not.

#3 - Ignore

If you have no idea how to respond to the girl, you have the option to totally ignore the girl giving no response whatsoever. Do this by pretending you didn't hear it and countinue what you were doing before.

This is not ideal because you're actually just delaying the shit test into the future as the underlying frame is not validated. The shit test will just reappear again in another way, in which you can hopefully pass.

#4 - Enforce Boundaries

If the shit test is a straight-up insult/judgement, you need to maintain the frame you presented. In this case, you should remain non-reactive and enforce your boundaries.

#5 - Misinterpretation

Some shit tests try to go one step further and push an undesirable frame unto you. In this case, you want to remain non-reactive to the undesirable frame while keeping your underlying frame.

Responding to this type of shit test is context-sensitive and involves a lot of improvisation and humour. Your response usually turns the context 180 degrees in unusual and unexpected ways, typically making it humourous.

The biggest mistake here is to fall into her undesirable frame by responding to it. If you can't misinterpret the shit test into some sexual innuendo/joke/frame control, it's just best to ignore it.


The techniques all try to achieve one thing. To maintain the frame you presented. So generally, you would want to follow that principle in your responses to shit test. That is why I emphasize being authentic and congruent, so as to not trigger a shit test.

Best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.
