Daygame Guide - Bootstrapping Your Success In Daygame
We discuss the major concepts reagrding to daygame success. Covering from the approach to escalating back home.
I consider daygame to be the purest form of pickup. It's so hard to learn daygame because it's not possible to practice in volume. So I want to guide you a bit on what are all the concepts that you need to be competent at to generate a minimum viable result.
My first 2,000 approaches were from daygame and I'm really excited to write this today because I have the most experience in daygame. Enjoy and let's begin.
I want to quickly acknowledge that daygame has a very wide variety on how you approach it. It's extremely dynamic and depending on your skill level you will be constantly changing it up. So it's more abstract with less structure compared to nightgame.
I would recommend that you learn from all experienced daygamers and their approaches and methodologies to build your own unique style. I ommitted advanced techniques to not confuse you. Goodluck!
Have a habit of leaving your home with the intention of potentially approaching someone. This way you wont be caught off guard when you need to quickly approach someone.
This also have the added benefit of helping you be aware of your surroundings and to actually see pretty women around you instead of being distracted by your phone or something else.
Practice leaving the house and set your "baseline" to an approach worthy mood and mindset. This way you can be as congruent as possible and be ready to approach at any time.
To practice daygame delibrately, you can be walking around for hours before even spotting an opportunity to approach. When I used to practice daygame, I have a few spots around the city where I could go and spend about one or two hours at each location and bounce down my "list of venues"
If you want to practice delibrately, I would recommend that you go out with a wing. That way the walking wont get boring. Because you can be walking for a really long time, good excercise for getting your 10k steps in.
I suggest that daygame be done passively as you go along your day. Make adjustments to your life, maybe instead of driving you take public transport. Instead of taking the most efficient route, take the most crowded routes. Delibrately increase the exposure you have with the outer world.
Make sure you actually see her face before you approach. I can't tell you how many times I have been deceived by the background looks of someone. Also, have a way to abort the approach, "Oh sorry, I thought you were my friend"
Quality Of Sets
Women that is solo and is not rushing is the highest quality sets you can encounter. This is because you can reasonably stay in set a for a long peroid of time and have the opportunity to insta date.
Women that are with a group, in the daygame context are lower quality sets. This is because that it's most likely you will have to approach and close quickly like a phone bandit and have a zero percent chance of an insta date.
Dont be discouraged because I mostly approach women that are alone and get plenty of success just by doing that. You can perfectly do well without approaching groups in daygame but dont let that limit you and make sure to practice different scenarios. Even though numbers are flakey, it's still worth a shot.
Angle Of Approach
Do not try to get her attention from behind her. You are going to jumpscare her. Instead make sure you are always in their field of vision before you approach.
If you're behind her, walk faster and walk past her a bit. Look behind as if you were checking her out, slow down and open. If you are walking past each other, try to make eye contact, stop her or walk with her to open. If she is standing still at a funny angle, get into her POV and get her attention.
You will get blown out of set immeidately if you look or feel dangerous. The first step of doing a daygame approach is to look and feel safe. Focus on smiling, relaxing, being in the present moment and getting her attention properly to let her guard down so that you can actually run game.
"Getting attention properly" has a cultural context. For example, the correct move in Malaysia is that you stop the girl in a non-polarizing way to fully get her attention. But in Japan I have heard that this wont go so well for you and you need to walk with her and be more polarizing in your approach.
From my experience, a cold read style - situational opener that displays intent is the best type of openers for daygame. But there is a wide variety of flexibility when it comes to openers.
As a begineer, I would suggest that you dont use pure indirect openers because it will make you incongruent, making the transition to man to woman more difficult. After you get comfortbale in your own skin, you can expand your library of openers.
Practice having a blank mind and walking up to the girl to say something totally spontaneous. It will not be ideal if you use a canned line. My post on doing a good approach is written under the context of daygame so you should practice everything in that list.
15 Minute Interaction
The ideal time to stay in set in 15 minutes, therefore you will need to practice your verbal prowess (See my flirting guide). As a general guideline, you want to be in set for as long as possible but I find 15 minutes is the minimum to make the number solid.
Ideally, you want to get the number close before the 10 minute mark. But not so fast! You should also be seeding for an insta date. Your objective is not the number, that's a bonus. At the end of that 15 minutes you should try to make the insta date happen.
Sometimes the insta date will not be logistically possible, so make sure to seed the next date in set so that you can set it up easily when texting her.
What to say in this 15 minutes? Well, make it emotionally relevant. Mix in a bit of teasing and comfort. Mainly you want to come out of the inetraction with the girl thinking, "wow, this person is so interesting and attractive"
Calibration simply means adjusting your behaviour in accordance to her internal world. You can't do the same style of approach in a library compared to public transport, daytime compared to nightime, with friends compared to alone.
Calibrating verbally later on into the set means that your conversation is dynamic. Girls have different personality traits, values, worldviews etc. So your content must reflect them.
Practically this means to be aware of what's going on in her world. Let's say you approahced her while she's walking alone at night. A calibrated person would be aware of the fact that the girl is on high alert for threats and therefore clarify that on the approach. "Hey, I'm not dangerous {insert opener}"
Girls can be in different moods as well, maybe some feel happy, sad, worried, anxious or whatever. So to be well calibrated is to adjust to her energy levels and have good EQ, using social awareness and using the law of state transference to adjust to her responce in relation to you.
Daygame approaches is very nonforgiving when it comes to calibration. It should be the first skill you master before you even focus on your verbals. Fortunately, daygame is the master at teaching calibration.
Hook Point
You will know you have achieved hook point when she is willingly extending and staying in the interaction. In my outer game post, I have written a list of hook point indicators. Disengage if the girl seems like she dont want you to be around, this means that she rejected you and you shouldn't push it furthur.
If you are leading the number close, do it after hook point. If no hook point occurs, she is rejecting you, even if she is being friendly. Always be building value through verbals before hook point and only close after hook point.
Insta Date
Simply ask logistical questions and try to figure out how to set up the insta date. "Where are you heading?", "Why are you going there?" and use the magic phrase of escalation. "Can I come with you"
Number Close
The best number close is to not focus on the close at all, and be as charismatic, charming and witty as possible so that she closes you. That is the best option. What that looks like infield is that she will get some excuse to get your IG or phone number very smoothly. So just play along.
In the occurance that you initiate the number close, make sure to make her add yourself instead of the other way around. So if you're getting her number, then add your number into her phone. If you're getting her IG, make her follow you and proceed to send yourself a message.
Because the interaction was so short, there would still be a value or comfort gap before she is willing to come out on a date with you. The purpose of texting is to bridge this gap. Once the gap is bridged you should be trying to pull her out on a date.
Set up the date with a phone call. because usually if they are willing to pick up the phone, the buy in is enough to get her outside.
Do note that some numbers come dead on arrival. You need to distinguish which numbers are good and solid and which ones are not, but as long as she replies to you then it wont be totally dead.
The location of the date is important. It needs to be able to facilitate a few things:
- Being able to talk to one another
- Being able to do kino escalation
- Low commitment (can leave anytime)
I would say that these three things are the most important because this gives you the most flexibility when it comes to escalation. Try to organize exciting things later on into the date so that it becomes more memorable.
Similarly to calibration, congruence plays a major part in daygame. You will be spending a lot of time with the girl building intimacy, and just like a shark, she will be sniffing for your inautenticity and incongruence to ensure that she is not getting deceived by some low value guy putting up a front.
Anytime when she sniffs out inauthenticity and incongruence, a shit test occurs. For my style of pickup, if you're able to identify a shit test consciously, it already indicates that you've already made a mistake beforehand.
Because if you were totally in congruence and authenthic, the "shit test" will just fly over your head, and you will pass it naturally by "being yourself".
Failing a shit test would lower your value permantly in the girls eyes. That's why it's so important to prevent shit tests by being congruent and authentic. But I understand that sometimes that's not possible because you would DLV yourself.
So, any method that holds your underlying frame is a valid way to deal with a shit test. The most common technique taught is to agree and exxagerate and is commonly used againts shit tests that challenges your confidence.
You can also choose to ignore the shit test, but this is not ideal, because she will shit test in a different way to validate your the underlying frame. So you're just delaying the shit test into the future.
Opposite to nightgame, in daygame, logistical escalation would be the easiest. You can abuse this to gain a lot of comfort. Bounce around the city a lot and gain a lot of physical comfort. I would say that this is the general flow.
- 1 on 1 in public (Kino 2)
- 1 on 1 isolated (Kiss)
- 1 on 1 at your home (Sex)
Physical escalation is the most challenging in a daygame setting. It is location sensitive, and it must be incredibly calibrated. Because you have a longer time horizon with the girl you can take this a bit slower - but not too slow to fall into the boyfriend frame.
You must complete the three objectives written above within three dates or else she will have an increasingly likelihood of getting bored and not coming out again after the third date. You can complete the whole flow in one date, or spread it out over three dates.
Value Comfort Ratio
As you know, society treats people differently depending on how attractive they are. This is the same for women, and her attractiveness reflects the experineces she will have in dating. This experience then dictates the ratio of value vs comfort that must be maintained throughout the date.
A highly attractive woman that has been chased by many AFCs requires a more value centric approach with more disqualifyers, teasing and having more emotional variance. This is to display that you stand out from the crowd, that you're different. She then automatically takes the position that you will commit to her, and thats because she knows she is high value.
Commitment to an average girl however is not guarenteed, therefore she will not appreciate your DQs, teasings and polarizing push pulls if you go beyond the point where it starts to trigger her insecurities. Therefore, she needs a more comfort centric apporach with more comfort techniques.
Here is my objective way to define it:
HB6 = Some men will find attractive, but nobody will find her to be hot
HB7 = All men will find attractive, but nobody will find her to be hot
HB8 = All men will find attractive, and some will find her to be hot
HB9 = All men will find attractive, and all will find her to be hot
Here is the corresponding ratio (value/comfort):
HB6 = 40/60
HB7 = 60/40
HB8 = 70/30
HB9 = 90/10
As a begineer this is usually how you get stuck. You've haven't mastered game to become a natural yet and you're using some crutch behaviours to help you attract women.
These canned behaviours and mindsets then limits you to one strata of women, picking up a HB7 is not the same and drastically different compared to how you would approach picking up a HB9.
So if you have a lot of "crutch behaviours" that communicate that you're an 8. Then it would be an uphill battle for you to pickup HB9. All HB9s will think that you are low value and it becomes harder to build intimacy.
House Date
At your place, make sure that she becomes comfortable in your house first before escalating for sex. Give her a tour around your house and show her around. Give her a mental image of the house and where everything is. Let her enjoy the comfort of your home for at least 30 minutes before trying to escalate.
Daygame is a collection of different concepts and the varience of philosophies is wide. The skills learnt in daygame is highly transferable to other forms of pickup. Especially congurence and calibration.
Best of luck. Please check out my other posts and practice everything holistically. Send me an email if you want a specific topic written. You can see "coaching" to see if I have room to onboard new students.