Transparency Of Practice

Transparency Of Practice

My Background

A majority of my experience is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I have around 5 years of experience in pickup. Personally, I started with daygame before starting to learn nightgame.

I transformed myself from a socially anxious loser who can't even buy food from vendors to someone who can achieve my dating goals, confidently do public speaking and have the skills required to understand and meet people all around the world.

On the spiral dynamics, I am around stage green/yellow. My core values are:

  1. Freedom
  2. Authenticity
  3. Wisdom
  4. Growth
  5. Curiosity
  6. Passion
  7. Courage
  8. Peace
  9. Privacy
  10. Accountability

If you have any of these values for yourselves on the list. You will likely align with my methods and the way I do things. To find out your personal values take the test at:

Why You Need A Coach

The responsibility of a coach is to spoon-feed you techniques that are already proven to work. This helps you reach your goals faster and in a less painful way compared to if you did it alone.

For most people who don't have a coach, they have these massive trial-and-error runs, constantly testing to see what works and what does not. I personally regret not having a coach learning pickup because I could have been at this skill level in two years instead of five.

How Does Coaching Work?

First, we will hop on a call and I will assess your goals and plans to see if we are a good match. This is about an hour and it's free, just like a get-to-know-you phase.

After that, we'll probably have some idea on what concepts you need to learn for the next three sessions. Each session can be either theoretical or reflective and will last around one and a half hours.

A theoretical class involves learning the top-down view of a major concept like "nightgame" or "approaching". A reflective class is when you go out there and do it, come back and troubleshoot with me what went wrong. I will then tweak your apporach and you'll repeat the whole process again until mastery.

For this duration, you will have access to my WhatsApp. So you can ask questions directly to me whenever you want. If you do the exercises I give you and become a masterful student, success is guaranteed.


Here are the general outcomes in chronological order I will try to achieve with you over a one year period. (1,250 approaches)

  1. Conquering Approach Anxiety
  2. Doing A Good Approach
  3. One Nightgame Pull
  4. Competent Flirt And Verbal Skills
  5. Competent Escalation Skills
  6. One Daygame Pull
  7. How To Make Women Chase
  8. Microcalibrating To Specific Types Of Women
  9. Developing Relationship Skills For A Fulfilling Marriage/Companionship
  10. How to love your partner/wife deeply and prevent divorce


I go at the rate of 175 USD per session. For the first three months we will meet twice a month. After that, we will only meet once a month until you achieve your goals. You will have the option at any time to buy sessions at a 20% discount of 5 sessions at $140 each for $700 flat to make it cheaper.

Ethical Standards

I won't be willing to teach anyone with dubious ethical standards or integrity on how they treat women. You MUST have an exit plan as with pickup. This means no "rotations" with multiple FWBs or any exploitative practices that leave a trail of broken hearts.

I don't want to be responsible for teaching the next generation of exploitative and reckless men. I have NO flexibility when it comes to your integrity around your pickup practices.

Long Term Value

I have a group chat on WhatsApp with people who have been coached by me and successfully achieved their results. There, you can gain long-term dividends by being my alumni.

Current Coaching Capacity

I'm not a full time coach, I do it to give back to the community. So I only take on just enough students so I don't spread myself too thin and can really focus on the improvement and results of my students.

Status: Accepting
Capacity: 3/5
Email me today at:
